American Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor Course

The American Red Cross (ARC) Lifeguard Instructor course is a course designed to teach Lifeguard Instructor Candidates (current lifeguards) how to train new lifeguards and turn them into professional rescuers.

This course certifies individuals to teach:

  • Lifeguarding
  • Lifeguarding Blended Learning
  • Shallow Water Lifeguarding
  • Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding
  • Waterpark Skills
  • CPR/AED For Professional Rescuers
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Waterfront Skills (to teach this module, the LGI must have a base level certification)

To be able to participate and pass the course, the Lifeguard Instructor Candidate must:

  • Be 17 years of age
  • Possess a current American Red Cross Lifeguarding/First Aid/ CPR/AED certification OR an equivalent from another organization
  • Complete the Online Session for LGI course
  • Complete the precourse session meeting the standard of required skills
  • Attend and actively participate in all course sessions
  • Successfully complete class activities, including the required 4 practice teaching assignments
  • Demonstrate instructor level skill competency in all skills and scenarios
  • Pass the final written exam with a minimum of 80%

Precourse skills test for Lifeguard Instructor Candidates:

  • Skill scenario 1 – Rescue, extrication, primary assessment and 2 rescuer CPR on an infant
  • Skill scenario 2 – Rescue, extrication, primary assessment and 1 rescuer CPR for 3 minutes
  • Skills polish session – LGI Candidates will go through a skill polish session. They should be familiar with all rescues. This is designed to get their skills to meet the standard. The skills are active front, active rear, passive front, passive rear, submerged (deep water) rescues, extrication, head split face up and face down, and spinal backboarding and extrication (shallow water)

Typical course details: While each course may vary, most of our courses follow the following details. The goal is to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively teach individuals to be lifeguards.

  • Each course has online and in person segments
  • Online material must be completed prior to first session
  • In person training is scheduled for 16
  • Courses begin with the pre-course (included within the 16 hours)

May 17-18
Lifeguard Instructor Course

May 17 – 11:00-8:00pm
May 18 – 11:00-8:00pm
Hicksville Aquatic Center
220 Division Avenue
Hicksville NY 11801